Plaisirs d'hiver à la portugaise (10/12/2016)
Memories: In 2014, we were on holidays in Portugal at Cascais.
Two tickets written: "Cascais, where everything started and everything goes on" and "Lisabon and Sintra, Renaissance and megalomania"
On the 18th of Septembre, we were going to Lisabon.
On the 23th, to Sintra.
In both cases, the same guide was leading us.
At this time, 36 years old, she had an incredible optimisme to share.
Her name, Mihaelia. She was speaking french, but knowing the difficulty to write in french, we decided to communicate in english.
- Hi you 2 lovelies, I hope you are fine. My husband and I are comming to Belgium at the end of the month and l will love to see you. The plan is 3 nights in Bruges and 3 other nights in Brussel. We arrive on 27th of november. If you have time for us it will be great to have lunch or dinner or something like this. Hope to see you soon. Hugs, Mihaela.
That was the message I received the 11th of novembre.
A small flash-back is needed.
- "Cascais, le coucher de soleil de l'Europe"
- "Lisbonne et Sintra, Renaissance et folie des grandeurs".
In january 2015, I published the followup "The white armchair"", taking place in the Algarve at Albufeira, "Do you want another life?" which is hammpening in Cascais environment.
I did translate it in a "googlie way" in english.
In the last chapter is appeaing this sentence which make te bound with our guide:
- Your bankruptcy, José, I must admit, I did discover it with the help of Joao. Your love, you did maintain too well hidden. I have felt it the day you dare kiss me. Today we are going to have a little girl. We decided to call her Mihaela. She is the survivor of another life accident. Our lives are marked and build by a series of accidents, incidents and various misunderstandings".
Back in this november 2016 and my answer was:
- Hi Mihaela, What a nice idea to call us about your visit in Belgium and specially in Brussels. It's very nice to think about us. It will be enjoyable to see you of course. Can you confirm us when you'll be in Brussels to plan a dinner. I can also, during this time, be your guide in the town. Give us more information and we'll arrange a meeting according your visit.
- On Sunday 27.11, we arrive in Brussel but we take the train to Bruges and stay there for 3 nights. We return to Brussel 30.11 and stay as well for 3 nights. We have no setteled plans about the trip, just relax and enjoy. A local guide is very welcome indeed.
Some intermediate mails and finaly the mine
- This morning, the day before your travel, I have made my jogging in the city of Brussels to prepare your trip. You are coming in a good period with "Plaisirs d'hiver". I have asked a few tourist information. I'm ready, waiting your visite.
- We just got home and we'll start packing at once. Perfect plans. Thank you so much for your kindness and patience. My husband speaks french as well so we are going to practice a lot with you. I can't believe that finally, we'll get to Belgium.
27th Decembre
- Finally we got to the hotel in Bruges. We are in the center of the city and is so easy to walk everywhere. It's sooo flat!
- Yes, it's the speciality what you can find in Bruges is partially in this article. It's a small town, quite flat and with natural channels. Speaking english is better than french.
28th Decembre
- It is funny, after 2 glasses of hot wine I feel that I understand better the flemish. Because is monday part of the monuments are closed today. So we took the train to Gand and walk around the old town, did some window shpopping and now we are back at the hotel. I took some pictures , most of them with the early morning light. Amazing! Of course more hot wine because in the train and everywhere, the info is in Flemish. But we get there. Tomorrow is Bruges.
- Gand une autre ville flamande qui n'a rien d'un gant de velours
29th Decembre
- Today was the day to visit the town of Bruges and do some shopping. We climbed the tower and visit the Town museum and enter in 2 churches and dozen of shops. Out for dinner and some hot wine. By the way I quit smoking and I start drinking..and eating. Feel so good.
- You leave smoking....!!! Did Belgium this miracle or is it a special flemish day? You are starting drinking and eating as a replacement... I'm afraid of the result....
30th Decembre
- Hi you. We are at the hotel. We will wait for you in the lobby. See you very soon!
15:00, exactly as scheduled, the aventure and the match of the "tird type"was beginning by car.
The sun and the cold are in in the "rendez-vous".
This time, I'm the guide.
Direction the north, end the Atomium.
A stop before the King home rapidly avoided bu the police and a nearby review of the "Royal claw", the japanese tower tour and the chinese house.
Photos under the Atomium bowls.
Recall of the 1958 Expo, "Iron ball" and the its 50th anniversary with the "Belgique joyeuse".
Another 50th anniversary at the Cinquantenaire with an overview of "An avenue not like the others".
The European quarter: On the left, the Council, on the right, the Commission.
Remembering of the known portugais, José Manuel Durão Barroso whose in 2002, his principal goal was to leave the portugese economic and he took the Commission presidency.
Nowadays, money has called him in another function in the Goldman Sachs bank.
Then the crowded Law street which at the end, on the left, the Brussels park were in 1830 the belgian revolution occured against King Orange of the Netherlands and on the right, the Parliement.
Turning on left, the other King palace. Then on the center of Royal place, Godefroid de Bouillon, your "big friend", Mihaelia.
The Sablon, small and big place with the best known pastry and where the it's well to be seen in the public mind.
Finaly, down to the city center to find out a parking for a walk by foot.
The evening is already falling and the lights of "Plaisirs d'hiver" marvel you, Mihaelia and your husband, Nulo.
Sainte Catherine place, Brouckère place with the 120 years old Métropole hotel.
The troubling habits of the pedestrian Anspack avenue, the Bourse, the Monnaie with in front the ice-skating.
L’Îlot sacré and Toone VIIIème puppet theater, The Queen Galery with the fashioned shops and arcades.
Finally Grand-Place, which was closed by controled fences.
The choc of the "Grand-Place as a baroque theatre",
The high fit tree, the creche, the gilded houses, confrontating Albe Duke in Portugal and Belgium massacres and stories during the Inquisition.
The Charles Quint's joyful entrance of Charles Quint story remaked every years at the Ommegang celebration.
Meanwhile, the daylynews informed us that the belgian beer is entering in the cultural and immaterial Patrimoine of humanity of UNESCO.
Back to the hotel... and "back at home" for my wife and me.
Brussels, I'm not only living in this town.
I'm also going everywhere by foot or by bicycle.
I did describe a few communes like Schaerbeek, Molenbeek and mine, Evere. Sprout to be Brusselers.
A lot of my articles are related with Belgium.
This country, is a small one. An area of about the third partition of Portugal.
1st Decembre
- Today was a full day. I took a lot of pictures, from buildings to trash bins. The little statue was dressed with a condom made of wool, world day of fight against sida. Did the statue of Godfredo of Bulhoes (Portuguese version of the name). Did the art museum but just the permanent collection. Did the Royal palace and the Park. Did the shopping street. The cathedral. By Night the grand Plaza and the videomapping near us. I think I am tired.
- You are genious. You are meriting a rest tomorrow. Make it cool. I still hope to recover you in one piece. I remember you said that you prefer the old paintings but there is still a missing aspect of Brussels in them: the surrealism, the way Belgian people are thinking.
"World mysteries" of Magritte is in his museum in front of Godfredo of Bulhoes

Decembre 2
The evening was begining at my home. A dinner in a restaurant "Hot ahead" completed it. A way to know a bit more of each other.
3rd Decembre
- First, thank you so much for the lovely evening. Felt so good . The hangover this morning was big and strong.
(click on the image)
- Brussels is a small laboratory of Europe.
If Europe is collapsing, we are plunging in the same hole.
So hereafter two links which are merged sometime when there are apparently no reason to fetch them together: one for Portugal and one for us.
The common point: money.
(click once more on the image)
This time, is it not the time to tell us what you have learned in Belgium, what were your emotionnal discoveries, what were memories that will remain in your mind about what you have seen? What are the differences between all those 3 towns, Bruges, Gand & Brussels and why you did choice them and not other belgian towns?
As a french lesson, may I propose a karaoke?
Benabar, is a french singer who knows Brussels
Je n'avais pas de cadeau
Alors Bruxelles je te la donne
Il a fallu que le roi s'en mêle
Il disait "C'est pas à toi
Alors Bruxelles je te la donne
"Moi qui suis roturier
"Comme c'est pour une dame
Alors Bruxelles je te la donne |
I did not have a present
To offer you at Christmas
I wanted a very beautiful
I thought of Brussels
To offer a city is vain
I recognize it but I do not care
Because it's still better
Nothing to offer at all
You would have been satisfied
A less trompe-l'oeil gift
From a book or a CD
From a pair of earrings
But in a ring or a necklace
I challenge you
To bring in without breaking them
Saint-Jose and the Gare du Midi
This song is giving us another belgian point of view of mornachy.
There are a King and a Queen. But there are also Princes and Princesses.
One of our Prince is Laurent. A prince who's not liking to play his role and sometimes we have to remember who's he .
Yesterday, he was the subject of one of my preferred humorist, Alex Vizorek: .
He's knowing perfectly how belgian humour is practiced.
Do you remember what I said in the church just a few seconds after the photo I took and I introduced at the begining of this paper: "There are three things that are leadind the world: the power, the money end the sex".
It's always the case everywhere.
All those three ways are giving potentiels to the ones who understand the finality. But they have to be in accordance with what you are with your environment.
My paper could have been terminated here without the next coincidence.
You have to know that Belgians are also living and working everywhere in the world.
That's why there is a weekly emission "Les Belges du bout du monde".
Last Sunday after were your going back home, the subject was Portugal, in Algarve more precisely.
It was the storry of a Belgian who was living near Portimao to revive the tradition of sardine cannery in the" The Saborea" factory existing since July 2015.
Algarve is remembering other memories and may be, a new back to the future.
There is mainly a life philosophy as conclusion: to do what you like to do and assume the positive and the negative aspects of it with enthousiasm like you demonstrated when we encountered.
Keep it like a treasure.
(click on the image)
Portuguese quotations: You can choice in this list between them.
14 may 2017: Portugal with the winner Salvador Sobral of the European song contest
You already know by now that if you don't throw a brick to me I answer when you throw the whole building in the air.
It has been a crazy month. But for the first time in a while I stopped and think about me in the middle of the events.
All in all I was in a very dark and negative mood. In spite of smiling and waving at work.
I entered in 2017 with the very dark mood but smiling and waving as well.
Enough tears on your shoulders.
Today we are at home and just for the fun we saw the movie In Bruges. And drank 2 Leffe biers. And talk about the trip to Belgium.
We loved every moment. But I have told you already. I felt good and I felt that I could live there without problems.
It was good to feel the cold. Brought memories from my childhood. I felt once again 15 years old but without worries .
Now we just start a brand new year.
If I quit my 10/12/14 hours per day job and I'll take it easy or not
Trying to be more present and a better friend.
And many others .
Sorry for the dark tone.
I hope you are well. Hugs for the 2 of you.
Écrit par : Mihaela | 02/01/2017
If you are reading the two last articles of 2016, you'll have summerized all my year and the past aswell of how I was during my acting live.
There is some sentences explaning int the Xmas one what I was feeling after your visit.
"To point out the positive and the negative of a state is not a problem, it is to ignore it that is.
In such a context, understanding why glue takes with certain people or systems and not with others remains an enigma.
The conviction of doing things correctly according to one's skills and experience is sometimes questioned"
My last article of 2016, was a bit crazy to point all what happened negatively.
I don't know if Johnny Halliday is known as well by you but it gave me the availability to begin the writing of what happened in the world and for myself during this year.
You are young and have no time to do anything else that thinking about your working life and your family.
The deicsion to push at first place to work or to other points of views, is always very difficult.
I'm perfectly knowing it.
I did choice to work to follow my way.
That's exactly what I did creative because I was liking the way that I used to be and hoping that I'm still doing today in anthoter field "writing".
Not like a writer but like a pleasant way of thinking
During this year, I'll publish the second part of my last book "The salmon syndrom".
And you will read that it's exactly the same story but in other fields, in other areas.
There is something that has been common during my life and it was the same for you: the smile laughing of everything even if it's negative.
Écrit par : L'enfoiré | 02/01/2017
Nouveau record de fréquentation pour les Plaisirs d’Hiver
Les Plaisirs d’Hiver ont battu un nouveau record, avec 2.463.219 visiteurs, dont un tiers d’internationaux, pendant 40 jours. Autre record : la patinoire, qui a accueilli plus de 47.000 personnes. Pendant toute la durée des Plaisirs d’Hiver, la fréquentation hebdomadaire à Sainte-Catherine a connu une augmentation de 30 %, soit 15 à 20.000 visiteurs supplémentaires.
Pour le réveillon du 31 décembre, qui a eu lieu entre la Bourse et la place de Brouckère, 80.000 personnes se sont déplacées entre 19h et 6 h du matin, dont 44 % de touristes étrangers, essentiellement français, allemands, italiens et espagnols.
Écrit par : L'enfoiré | 13/01/2017
It is so unfair that the people in charge with the statistics skipped 1.1/2 nice Portuguese people.
Écrit par : Mihaela | 14/01/2017
Le Portugal remporte l’Eurovision, la Belgique 4e (vidéos)
Le Portugal a remporté pour la première fois le concours de l’Eurovision dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à Kiev, en devançant la Bulgarie et la Moldavie.
Salvador Sobral, crooner de 27 ans en attente d’une greffe de coeur en raison d’une sévère insuffisance cardiaque, a ému les millions de téléspectateurs du show musical européen avec son mélancolique morceau jazzy «Amar Pelos Dois» (Aimer pour deux).
Blanche, la jeune belge de 17 ans est arrivée 4e.
C'est une grande première dans l'histoire du concours de chant. Ce samedi soir, l'Eurovision 2017 a été remportée par le Portugal qui, malgré ses 49 participations, n'avait jamais réussi à se hisser au-delà de la sixième place. C'est désormais chose faite grâce à Salvador Sobral: le chanteur de 27 ans a réussi à convaincre l'Europe de son talent grâce à Amar Pelos Dois. Cette ballade, aux antipodes des chansons à la production léchée auxquelles le concours nous a habitués, a su faire la différence. Avec 758 points, il s'impose devant la Bulgarie (615 points) et la Moldavie (374 points).
En allant récupérer son prix, le crooner s'est fendu d'un discours inspiré dans lequel il a tenu à défendre sa vision de la musique:
"Nous vivons dans un monde de musique jetable, une musique de fast-food sans aucun contenu, a estimé le chanteur. Je pense que cela pourrait être une victoire pour la musique, pour les gens qui font de la musique qui a du sens. La musique, ce n'est pas des feux d'artifices. C'est des sentiments. Alors essayons de changer cela."
Chanson avec traduction ( )
Écrit par : L'enfoiré | 14/05/2017